This is the closest I’m going to come to a sermon here at No Sermons. It’s actually a yell. And it’s not intended for people who don’t identify as Christians. So I apologise. This is a family dispute. Please cover your ears.
Now, my brethren in Christ …
Well done, at the Iowa Caucus. Your foul-mouthed, philandering client of porn stars and despots, the chap who did not give you healthcare but promised to destroy what healthcare you had, the man of the people who doesn’t pay taxes like you do, the draft-dodger who played varsity basketball on his bone spurs and calls veterans losers and suckers, and doesn’t like fighter pilots who get tortured and don’t break, that guy … won. But it’s okay, because he tear-gassed his own followers away from a church a while back, and posed there with a Bible. From which he couldn’t quote. Click around, and you can hear him tell you that he ‘never really brings God into’ things, and that he has never asked forgiveness for anything in his life. His lovely wife was heard to intone last Easter, ‘Who even believes this Easter shit?’
Your relationship with God is your business, not mine.
When you say ‘Jesus’, do you really mean something political?
When you say ‘Judeo-Christian values’, what are those values, and is the ‘Judeo-‘ part a problem?
When you say ‘Gospel’, do you feed or clothe anyone outside your family? Do you deliver casseroles to anyone outside your church? (Do you go to church?) Do you welcome anyone who isn’t like you? Do you listen – really listen – to anyone you don’t like? More broadly, do you want to make sure everyone can go to the doctor, just because they need to go to the doctor? Or do you not like to share? Maybe you think that Self Reliance, and hating people who do things differently, is somewhere in the Bible.
Have a look, if you care, at Matthew 25:40. And have a look at yourself after that. Then have a look at what you just chose in Iowa. Saying that God works through flawed people doesn’t make it all right, by the way. So don’t.
Finally, ask yourself why all the godless liberals don’t want to hear about Jesus. You don’t either, is why.
See, if you don’t care about your brother, and if you think Jesus is comfortable hearing you talk about guns in His name, you might as well stop saying you want a country that lives by the Gospel. Because you don’t. And everybody can see that.
hear hear
I like the "when you say 'Gospel' " paragraph